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Bear Snores On - Karma Wilson
Bear Snores On - Karma Wilson

Audiolibro Bear Snores On

Karma Wilson
pubblicato da Simon & Schuster UK

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Karma Wilson's endlessly entertaining story is brought to life by actor David Tennant in this newly released eAudio edition.

It seems like Bear can sleep through anything.

As a succession of animals enter his cave to escape the fierce storm, he continues to snore. Mouse makes a nice warm fire, Hare cooks popcorn and Badger brings treats ... They are having a great time. But when Bear wakes up and realises he's missed out on the fun, his visitors fear the worst.Can Bear be persuaded to join the party? Karma Wilson's absorbing, lyrical words perfectly depicting the companionship of the warm, cosy cave and the contrast with the wild storm outside.

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Generi Non definito

Editore Simon & Schuster Uk

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:11.31

Pubblicato 01/01/2030

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781471197918

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Bear Snores On

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