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Life is practically perfect for Patience Hampton. She enjoys her challenging work as a voice actor, has a supportive network of family and friends, and is expecting a proposal from her long-term boyfriend, Daniel. But, when Patience is blindsided with shocking news, in an instant, everything she's placed her trust in comes crashing down.

While recovering from her explosive breakup, Patience is finally determined to focus on defining happiness. So, when she crosses paths with Mr. Charisma, Lennox Davenport, while on a business trip out of town, she's open to spending the night with the handsome stranger. Lennox is everything Patience didn't know she needed: assertive, encouraging, inquisitive, and has a sex appeal that leaves her senseless. As their interactions quickly intensify, she realizes she doesn't know herself at all.

Patience wants much more from her casual relationship with Lennox and begins recognizing how the relationship residue left by an absent father and a manipulative ex poses harm to her growth, healing, and happiness. Is she ready to finally release her emotional baggage and love freely? Or will her toxic habits resurface to sabotage yet another chance of finding real love with the man who has finally managed to behold her beauty within?

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Rosa

Editore Eparke Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 23/03/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798986969329

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Beauty Beheld

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