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Because of Grácia

Chris Friesen - Michelle Simes
pubblicato da Dexterity

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The Because of Grácia Film and Faith Conversation Guide is a different kind of resource from most movie discussion guides, and it's different from most bible studies. It's a 45-day experience to spark conversations on the challenges students face every day as Christians. Based on the themes of Because of Grácia, each week's conversation has info on group activities and then follows up with five days of devotional reflections for a student and his or her conversation partner. Topics and conversations include:

  1. Practicing Friendship

    • Why Do We Fall in Love?
    • What About Our Bodies?
    • How Do You Grow True Friendship?
  2. Choosing life

    • Why Am I Here?
    • What Should I Do?
    • How Can I Help?
  3. Voicing Faith

    • Why Do We Hide?
    • What Is a Witness
    • Will Anyone Listen?
    • These Because of Grácia conversations will help students know how to handle the life-altering choices they face everyday-- friendships and relationships, dating and falling in love, how to choose life and support those facing teen pregnancy, and how to confidently voicing your faith and beliefs in public. So let this film and faith conversation be a part of their faith journey, and get real with these real-life questions on God, friendship, and love.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Storia delle religioni » Cristianesimo

Editore Dexterity

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/08/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781947297036

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Because of Grácia

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