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Because of Grácia

Rick Killian - Tom Simes
pubblicato da Dexterity

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Chase Morgan would love to live up to his name and pursue something great. It's his senior year and he's still as insecure as ever, but Eastglenn High's newest student is about to turn that around. Grácia is a girl with charisma, intelligence and conviction, but she's not as "together" as Chase and his best friend OB might think. A dark past gives her a unique connection with Bobbi, a misunderstood classmate with a strained home life and an all-too-cute boyfriend as her means of escape.

As Bobbi struggles with a life-and-death decision and Chase risks rejection, Grácia challenges her friends, teachers and even herself to experience the transformative power of grace.

Based on the award-winning film starring Moriah Peters and Chris Massoglia, Because of Grácia follows the stories of Chase Morgan, Grácia Davis, and their fellow high school seniors as they face life-altering decisions on their journeys of faith, friendship, and love.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei , Religioni e Spiritualità » Narrativa d'ispirazione religiosa

Editore Dexterity

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/08/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781947297012

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Because of Grácia

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