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Becoming His Masterpiece

Sharon Collins
pubblicato da Deep River Books LLC

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Becoming His Masterpiece is a unique devotional book purposefully pairs stunning abstract art with Christian devotionals to provide readers with encouragement and spiritual sustenance along the life-long discipleship journey. Author/artist, Sharon Collins shares the profound spiritual lessons God is teaching her as a new painter and writer. Sharon writes with energy and her vivid paintings reflect a relationship with Jesus Christ. Becoming His Masterpiece includes fifty-two devotional/painting pairings, providing year-long nourishment for the journey of a lifetime.

At the age of sixty-seven, Sharon Collins felt unprepared to answer God's call on her life to create an online artistic devotional. She had little painting experience, knew nothing about websites, and had written few devotionals. In 2018, God reminded Sharon that He was the Author and Painter, and her job was to listen. Sharon soon realized she listened best while exercising in her pool. It was a place where God gave her constant inspiration and ideas for devotionals and paintings - she even bought a wetsuit to swim in the winter!

Ultimately, God used Sharon's unlikely source of writing and painting for His glory, so that others would be drawn towards God's beautiful design for them. Woven through the devotionals is a key truth: spending time with God nourishes the soul and feeds one's journey. Using frequent Biblical references, Sharon writes with energy and candor about topics such as trust, submission, obedience, and perseverance. Sharon invites readers to join her in a visually stunning and refreshingly written devotional. Becoming His Masterpiece will appeal to Christian art lovers.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Cristianesimo » Storia delle religioni

Editore Deep River Books Llc

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 06/02/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230004527268

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Becoming His Masterpiece

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