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Becoming a Servant Leader

John Rodgers
pubblicato da Drawbaugh Publishing Group

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Shift your life into high gear!

The Servant Leader is jam-packed with practical principles and immediate put-into-practice ways to shift your life into high gear!

Filled with proven successful actions and activities, you will be motivated to move into a totally new facet of life that improves your business and family relationships! Easy-to-understand charts and thought-stimulating bullet points along with personal stories make this book an essential tool for quick reference as well as an intense study and interactive manual.

You will benefit greatly from the in-depth discussions by the author, a successful businessman who has trained hundreds of leaders to become even better leaders. Based on the foundation of Dale Carnegie's super-successful and reputable philosophies that have launched millions of careers, The Servant Leader provides your own personal launching pad to a bigger, better future.

Each chapter concludes with five questions designed to stimulate your thinking in unexpected ways. Topics covered in The Servant Leader include:

· Your Unique Game Plan

· How to Balance Your Personal and Professional Life

· Becoming Other-Focused

· Achieving Breakthrough Results

· Building a Legacy and Finishing Well

Learning from an expert how to advance in your endeavors while helping others unlock their abilities will profoundly turn your thinking around. Start today!

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Becoming a Servant Leader

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