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Belgrave Square (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 12)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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Will the hidden layers of conspiracy triumph before Pitt can solve the case?

A grisly murder of a moneylender draws Inspector Pitt once more into a world of power and greed in Anne Perry's Belgrave Square. Perfect for fans of C. J. Samson and Sherlock Holmes.

'[Anne] Perry's characters are vivid and well-drawn... If you want to be privy to the romance, politics, and scandal of Victorian London, this descriptive, leisurely paced mystery may well be your cup of Earl Grey tea' - Houston Chronicle

The murder in Clerkenwell of an obscure moneylender named William Weems brings discreet rejoicing among those whose meagre earnings he so mercilessly devoured. Yet when Inspector Thomas Pitt finds a list including some of London's most distinguished gentlemen in Weems' office, he begins to realize this was no common usurer but a vicious blackmailer. Charlotte Pitt has connections to this distinguished London society, and, at glittering balls and over gossipy tea tables, she begins to perceive a world of passion, power, and greed that the police are seldom permitted to see...

What readers are saying about Belgrave Square:

'Brilliant set of books. Will carry on reading them as fast as Anne Perry writes them, they are simply the best'

'I love all Anne Perry books, this was no exception, [was] sorry when I got to the end'

'Five stars'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/03/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472218124

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Belgrave Square (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 12)

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