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Bethlehem Road (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 10)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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Westminster is struck by a deadly killer...

In Anne Perry's tenth Victorian mystery featuring Thomas and Charlotte Pitt, a murderer strikes at Members of Parliament crossing Westminster Bridge. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Harriet Smart.

'[Anne] Perry once again demonstrates her true and lively passion... Her finely drawn characters couldn't be more comfortable within the customs and sensibility of their historical period' - New York Times Book Review

In the few minutes it takes to cross Westminster Bridge, Sir Lockwood Hamilton has his throat slit and is tied to a lamppost with his evening scarf. The killer vanishes without being seen. Inspector Thomas Pitt thinks the motive might have been personal... or political. When a second Member of Parliament is murdered in the same way, politics seems certain to be the reason. Soon the suspect list includes anarchists and suffragettes. Public outrage mounts and fear grips London and Parliament after a third lamppost murder. Deep in his own investigation, Pitt must rely on his wife, Charlotte, and Great-aunt Vespasia to explore the drawing rooms of the upper class for clues to the mystery. With burning social issues swirling around them, the three of them must solve the case before another MP falls victim to the Westminster cutthroat.

What readers are saying about Bethlehem Road:

'These are a great set of books. Pitt is a really likeable hero'

'I could not put it down. One of her best works'

'Gripping read'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/03/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472227614

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Bethlehem Road (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 10)

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