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They are wary of trusting, but passion has its own rules.

Marketing manager, ANNA TURNER promised reliable, affordable childcare to co-workers under pressure. Proud of negotiating the perfect lease for her employer, a hostile takeover of the building steals her ideal premises.

Architect and property-developer, HUNTER THOMPSON, smells betrayal on his father's breath. An old pattern, but this time his old man plans a hostile takeover of a building owned by the family who raised Hunter as a second son. Hunter out-manoeuvres his father, buying the building himself.

Attending an industry cocktail party, Anna hears Hunter say her magic word, "architect". Revealing her ideal childcare centre plan to him, Anna discovers Hunter tore up her precious lease. Anna is breathtaking in her rage. Intrigued, Hunter offers a new lease, with the opportunity to work together.

Hunter can't risk long term. Anna doesn't do hook-upsever. Hidden within their whirlwind romance and growing trust, secrets resurface with devastating consequences. Anna's mantra'I share myself, you share yourself, if you want to get into my bed'may not survive.

Wary strangers find passion on a shared project, until secrets from their past ambush them. Fans of Grace Burrowes stories where love conquers loneliness and fear, will fall for Jennifer Raines's heartwarming romances.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Inkspell Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/10/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781964636153

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