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She is programmed to kill.

He'll do anything to survive.

When Captain Caleb Shepperd is released from prison, all he wants to do is keep his head down and smuggle contraband through the nine systems. But there's a problem with that plan. The synthetic human stowed away in his cargo bay carries secrets from a past he thought he'd escaped. Secrets that could bring him and the nine systems to its knees.

Now the authorities want Shepperd dead and his ship in pieces. And the synth? Well, she has an itchy trigger finger and murder on her synthetic mind.

Shepperd is about to discover he can't outrun his past, especially when that past has orders to kill.

Action, drama and suspense collide in this no-holds-barred sci-fi adventure!

"This world is dark, the characters are twisted and I was completely hooked." ~ Feeling Fictional

"It's as if Blade Runner, Firefly, and Ex_Machina had a baby named Girl From Above!"~ Goodreads Reviewer

"(Girl From Above) is what would happen if HBO made a love child between the shows Firefly and Killjoys." ~ Smadas Book Smack

"Generous helpings of sex, drugs and rock n' roll plus the intriguing character of the post-human #1001 help this novel stand out from the crowd." ~ Book of the Week (May 2015)

"Prepare yourself for some laughs, thrills, and potentially some tears." ~ Sammie's Book Nook

"Unique, gritty and totally awesome." ~ Bookfever

Novel length: 177 paperback pages.
Genre: Space opera.

Series Reading Order:

#1 Betrayal
#2 Escape
#3 Trapped
#4 Trust

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Avventura » Avventura , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza

Editore Pippa Dacosta

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 10/01/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230000879040

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