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Big Bub, Small Tub

Alastair Heim
pubblicato da Simon Spotlight

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A monster who is too big for his bathtub tries to get clean in this adorable and hilarious Ready-to-Go! Ready-to-Read.

Big Bub the monster needs a bath, but his bathtub is too small. What will he do? He will try everything!

Perfect for kids at the beginning of their reading journeys, Big Bub, Small Tub was written for children who have learned the alphabet and are ready to start reading! And what better way to get kids excited than with a hilarious story with words they can read on their own?

Each Ready-to-Go! Ready-to-Read includes a note to parents explaining what their child can expect, a guide at the beginning for readers to become familiar with the words they will encounter in the story, and reading comprehension questions at the end. Each Ready-to-Go! story contains about 100 words and features sight words, rhyming words, and repetition to help children reinforce their new reading skills. In this book, readers will learn nineteen sight words and twelve words from five word families. So come on and get reading!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Animali

Editore Simon Spotlight

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/01/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781665928465

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Big Bub, Small Tub

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