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Bilingual Book in English and Turkish: Chameleon - Bukalemun - Learn Turkish Series

pubblicato da LingoLibros

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This illustrated story has been designed for bilingual children and others wishing to read a parallel text in English and Turkish. For ease of understanding, the languages are displayed together just one or two sentences at a time.
The aim was to make the translation as direct as possible but always using everyday language of native speakers. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Turkish.

Basil, Rosemary and the Pansy sisters are lively, chatty little plants. They think they know some stuff, but when it comes to this animal, they know nothing. One wild assumption leads to another and gets them into big trouble.

Excerpt from the story -
Basil, Rosemary and the Pansy sisters lived together in a bright orange flowerpot. The pot sat on a windowsill outside the zoo's cafe.
Fesleen, Biberiye ve Hercai Meneke kardeler, parlak portakal rengi bir saksda birlikte yayorlard. Saks, hayvanat bahçesindeki kafede, pencerenin d kenarnda duruyordu.
In front of the plants was a black road painted with white stripes. Visitors who came to the zoo walked over the white stripes when they crossed the road.
Bitkilerin onunde, beyaz çizgilerle boyal siyah bir yol vard. Hayvanat bahçesine gelen ziyaretçiler, yoldan karya geçerken beyaz çizgilerin uzerinden yuruyorlard.
The plants were talking about the road crossing when a big animal appeared. It came across the road towards the plants.
Buyuk bir hayvan ortaya çkt srada, bitkiler yaya geçidinden bahsediyorlard. Yoldan geçerek bitkilere doru geldi.

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Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Corsi di altre lingue straniere

Editore Lingolibros

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 10/09/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781301997763

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Bilingual Book in English and Turkish: Chameleon - Bukalemun - Learn Turkish Series

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