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Birds of New England - Zach Adams
Birds of New England - Zach Adams

Birds of New England

Zach Adams
pubblicato da Timber Press

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A comprehensive guide to the birds of New England, with stunning photos, maps, and nuanced information on how to locate and identify each unique bird.

This easy to use, comprehensive field guide covers the sandy habitats bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to those nestled within vibrant fall foliage, resplendent lakes, and impressive mountain ranges. Birds of New England provides bird aficionados with detailed descriptions of avian voices, behaviors, and habitats, and points out the top birding sites throughout the region. Naturalist and educator Zach Adams provides guidance and helpful tips on all aspects of birding, from equipment to conservation-oriented birding practices, making this a great addition to any bird enthusiast's bookshelf.

·Covers Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut
·Describes and illustrates over 350 bird species, including local favorites and rare curiosities
·Over 900 spectacular photographs of relevant plumages and birds in flight
·Individual range maps show each bird's seasonal and migratory patterns
·Easy to use for beginners and experts alike

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Editore Timber Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/05/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781643264288

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Birds of New England

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