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Blackbelt in Blackjack

Arnold Snyder
pubblicato da Cardoza Publishiing

Prezzo online:
-13 %

In the spirit of Doyle Brunson's Super System, Arnold Snyder's Blackbelt in Blackjack is an underground gambling classic written by one of the grand masters of blackjack and a legend. This newly revised and updated edition is now made available for the first time to a national audience. This is blackjack as a martial art, targeted for serious and professional players looking to win real money at the game. Snyder reveals tips and tricks used by the pros-shuffle tracking, team play, multiple deck camouflage techniques so that the casino can't detect that the player is using winning techniques, and much more. 21 powerful chapters include a complete course on beating blackjack: the devastating red 7 count, the hi-lo count, the zen count, the true count, and so much more.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Sport e Tempo libero » Hobby, enigmistica, quiz e giochi

Editore Cardoza Publishiing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/12/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781580424257

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Blackbelt in Blackjack

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