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Blitz Your Life

Richard Sowienski - Tim Shaw
pubblicato da Dexterity

Prezzo online:
-9 %


**If you've ever dreamed of something more in life, this book is for you.**Blitz Your Life is a collection of reflections from a former NFL linebacker on a life lived fearlessly and challenges from a man with a sense of urgency for impact.

These powerful stories range from Tim's time on the football field to the radically different life and goals that resulted from his diagnosis with ALS in 2014. Tim also shares stories of ordinary people who have faced everyday challenges and accomplished extraordinary things. Whether they sweep floors or rebuild neighborhoods or make music, all are living lives that make a difference.

At times funny and others serious, Tim encourages readers to "write" their own goals and stories while pursuing their dreams. Through his "whiteboard challenges," he provides practical help that takes readers on a road to success. From his NFL days to his support of ALS awareness, this fighter's message is a courageous call to find and enjoy a life with purpose.

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Editore Dexterity

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/01/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780998325316

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Blitz Your Life

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