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Blood Groove

Alex Bledsoe
pubblicato da Tor Publishing Group

Prezzo online:
-18 %

When centuries-old vampire Baron Rudolfo Zginski was staked in Wales in 1915, the last thing he expected was to reawaken in Memphis, Tennessee, sixty years later. Reborn into a new world of simmering racial tensions, the cunning nosferatu realizes he must adapt quickly if he is to survive.

Finding willing victims is easy, as Zginski possesses all the powers of the undead, including the ability to sexually enslave anyone he chooses. Hoping to learn how his kind copes with this bizarre new era, Zginski tracks down a nest of teenage vampires. But these young vampires have little knowledge of their true nature, having learned most of what they know from movies like Blacula.

Forming an uneasy alliance with the young vampires, Zginski begins to teach them the truth about their powers. They must learn quickly, for there's a new drug on the streeta drug created to specifically target and destroy vampires. As Zginski and his allies track the drug to its source, they may unwittingly be stepping into a fifty-year-old trap that can destroy them all . . .

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Horror e gotica , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » horror e Dark Romance

Editore Tor Publishing Group

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 27/04/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781429956574

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Blood Groove

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