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Bloodshot Issue 25 - Al Barrionuevo - Daniel Kibblesmith - Duane Swierczynski - Duffy Boudreau - Howard Chaykin - Justin Jordan - Lewis Larosa - Manuel Garcia - Peter Milligan - Rafer Roberts
Bloodshot Issue 25 - Al Barrionuevo - Daniel Kibblesmith - Duane Swierczynski - Duffy Boudreau - Howard Chaykin - Justin Jordan - Lewis Larosa - Manuel Garcia - Peter Milligan - Rafer Roberts
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A murderer's row of all-star talents is going all-in for an oversized, 48-page milestone anniversary blowout chronicling the classified history of Valiant's most dangerous, most brutal, most relentless hero -BLOODSHOT!

Meet the man behind Bloodshot - or is he? - when one soldier's untapped killer instinct takes over in a feature-sized lead tale of blood, guts, and heart by Peter Milligan and Lewis LaRosa! PLUSan all-new story by comics master Howard Chaykin! The original BLOODSHOT launch team of Duane Swierczynski and Manuel GarcĂ­a join forces again for an all-new adventure! ANDDuffy Boudreau and Al Barrionuevo take you on Bloodshot's journey from the end of the line with H.A.R.D. Corps to the Colombian jungle where Unity found him! Along with many more bonus stories and artwork, a complete cover gallery, and more!

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Editore Valiant Universe

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 13/11/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781626659735

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Bloodshot Issue 25

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