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Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff

Sean Penn
pubblicato da Atria Books

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"An incredibly interesting work." Jane Smiley
"A straight up masterwork." Sarah Silverman
"Blisteringly funny." Corey Seymour
"A transcendent apocalyptic satire." Michael Silverblatt
"Crackling with life." Paul Theroux
"Great fun." Salman Rushdie
"A provocative debut." Kirkus Reviews

From legendary actor and activist Sean Penn comes a scorching, "charmingly weird" (Booklist, starred review) novel about Bob Honeya modern American man, entrepreneur, and part-time assassin.

Bob Honey has a hard time connecting with other people, especially since his divorce. He's tired of being marketed to every moment, sick of a world where even an orgasm isn't real until it is turned into a tweet. A paragon of old-fashioned American entrepreneurship, Bob sells septic tanks to Jehovah's Witnesses and arranges pyrotechnic displays for foreign dictators. He's also a contract killer for an off-the-books program run by a branch of United States intelligence that targets the elderly, the infirm, and others who drain society of its resources.

When a nosy journalist starts asking questions, Bob can't decide if it's a chance to form some sort of new friendship or the beginning of the end for him. With treason on everyone's lips, terrorism in everyone's sights, and American political life sinking to ever-lower standards, Bob decides it's time to make a changeif he doesn't get killed by his mysterious controllers or exposed in the rapacious media first.

A thunderbolt of startling images and painted "with a broadly satirical, Vonnegut-ian brush" (Kirkus Reviews), Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff is one of the year's most controversial and talked about literary works.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Atria Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/03/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781501189067

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Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff

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