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When the sunny and affectionate cocker spaniel Bonny dies while Nat is in the Navy, his younger brother Davy Edwards felt he had to bring up Bonny's one living puppy to make his brother proud. Plenty of action abounds, with the black cocker spaniel eventually entering the National Dog Show at Madison Square Garden!

Author F. E. Rechnitzer always had a dog of some sort aroundfrom thoroughbred poodles to poochesand cockers were one of his favorite breeds, being the proud owner of a pair of Cocker Spaniels himself.

This wonderful story, first published in 1946, is beautifully illustrated by English-born artist Marguerite Kirmseanother lifelong dog-lover, whose delightful drawings make the little black cocker seem very natural and lifelike.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Cani Gatti e altri Animali » Gatti » Cani

Editore Muriwai Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/04/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781789121674

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