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Boston - The Cubby 2023 Long Weekend Guide

James Cubby
pubblicato da Gramercy Park Press

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A complete guide for everything you need to experience a great Long Weekend in BOSTON. Updated throughout the year, you'll save a lot of time using this concise guide.

***"Where do I start? I was so confounded by the number of things to do in Boston I couldn't get my head around everything. This book gave me some sense of the place."***---Rupert K., Manchester

"The Delaplaine guide books 'cut to the chase.' You get what you need and don't get what you don't." Wilma K., Seattle

=LODGINGS, from budget to deluxe

= RESTAURANTS, from the finest the area has to offer ranging down to the cheapest (with the highest quality). More than sufficient listings to make your Long Weekend memorable.

=PRINCIPAL ATTRACTIONS -- don't waste your precious time on the lesser ones. We've done all the work for you.

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Generi Viaggi e turismo » Guide turistiche » Ristoranti e bar

Editore Gramercy Park Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 10/12/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 6610000419081

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Boston - The Cubby 2023 Long Weekend Guide

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