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A Boy's Guide to Discovering His Bible

Jim George
pubblicato da Harvest House Publishers

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As a boy growing up, do you know one of the most important things you can do is read your Bible?

Maybe the Bible doesn't seem exciting to you because it was written long ago. But if you look closely, you'll discover it shows you how to live God's way. The Bible can help you...

  • know how to find good friends
  • get along better with your family
  • make right choices instead of wrong ones
  • become more responsible and use your time well
  • grow wise and become a strong Christian

There is a lot God wants to share with you. Get to know your Bible betterit's an amazing adventure!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Religione

Editore Harvest House Publishers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/04/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780736962551

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A Boy

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