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A Boy's Guide to Making Really Good Choices

Jim George
pubblicato da Harvest House Publishers

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It's never too early to give young boys a resource that will help them learn the skills for making right choices in life. A Boy's Guide to Making Really Good Choices is designed to help boys ages 8-12 learn how to think through their options, realize the possible consequences, and develop good decision-making skills.

In this book, Jim George uses helpful stories and illustrations to walk boys through the kinds of choices they are likely to face each daychoices to

  • listen to their parents
  • do their best in school, sports, and activities
  • select friends with care
  • be kind to siblings and others
  • help out at home and use good manners

Through the use of real-life scenarios, Jim George equips boys to build good characterthe kind that will stay with them for life and honor God's standards.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Religione

Editore Harvest House Publishers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780736955195

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A Boy

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