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Bravelands #3: Blood and Bone

Erin Hunter
pubblicato da HarperCollins

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Heed the call of the wilddiscover the third book in this action-packed, New York Times bestselling animal fantasy series from the author of Warriors!

"Deep characters, a complex plot, rich mythology, and a stunning setting. Wild and wonderful." Kirkus on Bravelands #1: Broken Pride

Set in the African savannah and told from three different animals' points of view, Bravelands will thrill readers who love Spirit Animals and Wings of Fire, as well as the fans who've made Erin Hunter a #1 nationally bestselling phenomenon.

An elephant entrusted with a powerful gift.

A lion treading a dangerous path.

A baboon trapped by the truth.

A great evil has risen. A murderer now leads the animals of the plains. As the elephant Sky leads her herd in a desperate search for Bravelands' rightful leader, the baboon Thorn is forced to flee his old troop, and the lion Fearless, once their friend, is led astray by a tyrant.

The balance of Bravelands is about to shatterunless predator, prey, and scavenger unite as one.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Animali » Avventura » Avventura » Horror e fantasmi » Fantasy e magia

Editore Harpercollins

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/10/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780062642134

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Bravelands #3: Blood and Bone

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