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Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales: Revisited - Brothers Grimm
Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales: Revisited - Brothers Grimm

Audiolibro Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales: Revisited

Brothers Grimm
pubblicato da Ulf Bjorkland

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"Once Upon A Time..."

This is the third volume of fantastic stories, and yet another chance to be transported to a timeless realm where witches, giants, princesses, king, fairies, goblins, and wizards are as common as accountants and plumbers are today. The imaginative Brothers Grimm's stories have been beloved throughout the world since they started collecting in the early 1800s.

This volume in high-quality audio contains 21 stories, among them: "Snow-white", "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Three Brothers", "Lily and the Lion" and "Iron Hans".

Visit again, if you dare, the world of the cautionary tales of Germanic folklore that inspired the modern fairy tales.

An Open Book Audio production.

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Editore Ulf Bjorkland

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 03:04.33

Pubblicato 03/04/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781936455713

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Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales: Revisited

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