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Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales, Revisited - Brothers Grimm
Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales, Revisited - Brothers Grimm

Audiolibro Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales, Revisited

Brothers Grimm
pubblicato da Ulf Bjorkland

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"Once Upon A Time"

These classic words serve as the introduction to some of the greatest tales the world has ever known. The imaginative tales of Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm have been beloved through the world since they were collected starting in the early 1800s. Now, narrators Kim and Ulf Bjorklund bring together this omnibus collection of 53 fantastic stories from the Brothers Grimm.

A collection of all of the tales in Volumes 1-3 of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales, Revisited, this collection is a wonderful opportunity to be transported to a timeless realm where witches, giants, princesses, kings, fairies, goblins, and wizards are as common as accountants and plumbers are today. Explore the world of Germanic folklore that inspired many of the modern fairy tales that we love today.

This Omnibus collection contains such classics as "Snow White", "Little Red Riding Hood," "The Frog Prince," Hansel and Gretel," "Rumplestiltskin", and "Cinderella" as well as dozens of other stories to delight, education, and entertain.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fiabe, miti e leggende

Editore Ulf Bjorkland

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:55.40

Pubblicato 20/06/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781936455720

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Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales, Revisited

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