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Brunswick Gardens (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 18)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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Does the murder of a young woman have a religious cause?

Anne Perry's Brunswick Gardens delves deep into the politics of the church, uncovering thwarted ambitions, unfulfilled promises and frustrated passions amid murder. Perfect for fans of C. J. Samson and Ann Granger.

'Beautifully crafted, filled with the gaslit atmosphere of a bygone world' - Cosmopolitan

In London's affluent Brunswick Gardens, the battle over Charles Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution intensifies as the respected Reverend Parmenter is boldly challenged by his beautiful assistant, Unity Bellwood - a 'new woman' whose feminism and aggressive Darwinism he finds appalling. When Unity, three months pregnant, tumbles down a staircase to her death, Superintendent Thomas Pitt is certain that one of the three deeply devout men in the house committed murder. Could it have been the Reverend Parmenter? His handsome curate? Or his son, a fervent Roman Catholic? Pitt and his clever wife, Charlotte, will refuse to settle for less than the truth - or less than justice.

What readers are saying about Anne Perry:

'[Anne Perry's] books are always gripping and beautifully written'

'These are a great set of books. Pitt is a really likeable hero'

'Five stars'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/03/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472218186

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Brunswick Gardens (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 18)

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