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[Bundle] Pregnancy & Passion

Maya Banks
pubblicato da Harlequin / SB Creative Corp.

Prezzo online:
-15 %

This bundle contains: "Enticed by His Forgotten Lover", "Wanted by Her Lost Love", "Tempted by Her Innocent kiss", and "Undone by Her Tender Touch"."Have we met before?" Bryony slaps her lover's face the moment she hears those heartless words. Five months ago, she fell in love with CEO Rafael, who came to buy her island. They spent an incredible time together, but afterward they lost contact with each other. When she found out that she was pregnant, Bryony began to fear that Rafael seduced her to get her property. Hoping to see him at a party, Bryony gathers up her courage to crash itbut she can't believe her ears when she finds out the truth. He claims that he has lost all memory of her from a plane crash accident!

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Generi Fumetti » Graphic Novel

Editore Harlequin / Sb Creative Corp.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/12/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9784596375254

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[Bundle] Pregnancy & Passion

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