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CISSP Practice Exams, Second Edition

Shon Harris
pubblicato da McGraw-Hill Companies

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Written by the #1 name in IT security certification training, fully revised for the latest exam release, and featuring 750+ practice questions plus 24 hours of audio lectures

CISSP Practice Exams, Second Edition is the ideal companion to Shon Harris' bestselling CISSP All-in-One Exam Guide. Well-regarded for her engaging and informative style, Shon Harris is renowned as an IT security certification expert.

Designed as an exam-focused study-self aid and resource, CISSP Practice Exams, Second Edition provides 100% coverage of the 10 exam domains for the 2012 exam. Organized by these domains, the book allows you to focus on specific topics and tailor your study to your areas of expertise and weakness. To further aid in study and retention, each question in the book is accompanied by in-depth answer explanations for the correct and incorrect answer choices. Each chapter contains 25+ practice questions with an additional 500 practice questions hosted in a web-based environment. As an added bonus, you'll get access to 24 hours of audio lectures featuring Harris conducting intensive review sessions. (Terms and conditions apply.)

Complete, authoritative coverage of the CISSP exam
Information Security Governance and Risk Management; Access Control; Security Architecture and Design; Physical (Environmental) Security; Telecommunications and Networking Security; Cryptography; Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning; Legal, Regulations, Investigations, and Compliance; Software Development Security; Operations Security

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Generi Informatica e Web » Certificazione informatica » Linguaggi e Applicazioni » Database

Editore Mcgraw-hill Companies

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/11/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780071792356

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CISSP Practice Exams, Second Edition

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