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Now available in an all-new format, Bill 'Swampy' Marsh once again pays tribute to the people who have made Australia unique.
'two bung knees. Can't swim. Is afraid of the water. Jumps in a kayak. takes a deep breath. Says a little prayer, and away she goes. And that's the character of the CWA, isn't it?' Helen Wall, Caniambo CWA, VictoriaPut your hand up if you think the CWA is a tea-and-scones group of women who sit around tables and chat away. Wrong! Well, they do make the best jams and scones in the whole world, but as these stories reveal, these big-hearted, fun-loving, practical women are the backbone of communities throughout Australia. think drought relief, rural health programs, care for migrant women, outback education, women standing up and taking on politicians, women with international reputations. Guess who led the protests when the first big shopping centres in Australia were built with no public toilets? CWA women dig bogged vehicles out of sand dunes, look after the lost and lonely, speak at national events, and can still, at the end of the day, serve up a plate of scones just out of the oven and a strong cup of tea. We couldn't get by without CWA, and this book tells some of their stories and shares a few of their best recipes and household tips!

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Generi Politica e Società » Donne » Femminismo e storia delle donne » Questioni femminili » Studi di Genere e gruppi sociali » Donne , Gastronomia » Cucina dal mondo » Ricette » Dolci e dessert , Storia e Biografie » Biografie Diari e Memorie » Biografie e autobiografie

Editore Abc Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780730497585

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CWA Stories

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