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Call of Vultures

Kate Kessler
pubblicato da Orbit

Prezzo online:

In this suspenseful and twisted thriller, a companion to Seven Crows, vigilante Killian Delaney returns to use her unique skill set to fight for the justice of those who can't defend themselves. Kate Kessler's novels are "impossible to put down" (Hollie Overton).

Killian Delaney has a skewed moral compass, a high threshold for pain, an unstoppable will, and she's just joined the Network: a group of well-funded individuals who help the weakest among us.

Two sisters have gone missing, and Killian has been hired to track them down.

The plan is straightforward: follow the trail, find the girls, and kill whoever stands in her way.

They're living in a commune in upstate New York, one that looks a lot like a cult. And while one sister wants out, the other adamantly refuses.

Breaking them free will push every skill in Killian's arsenal to its limit. But she's determined to get them home.

For more from Kate Kessler, check out:

The Killian Delaney Novels:

Seven Crows

Call of Vultures

The Audrey Harte Novels:

It Takes One

Two Can Play

Three Strikes

Four of a Kind

Zero Hour (novella)

Dead Ringer

Dettagli down

Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Thriller e suspence

Editore Orbit

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/12/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780316454285

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Call of Vultures

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