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Callander Square (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 2)

Anne Perry
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Are the upper-class residents of Callander Square as innocent as they claim?

In New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry's second Victorian Inspector Pitt mystery, Thomas and Charlotte Pitt find that everyone in Callander Square has something to hide - but someone will kill to keep a secret. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Sarah Perry.

'Murder fans who prefer their crimes with a touch of class should heat some scones and nestle back for the afternoon' - Atlanta Journal-Constitution

When the bodies of two infants are dug up in the Callander Square gardens, the upper-class residents resent the intrusion of Inspector Thomas Pitt into their well-ordered lives. They dismiss it as the desperate act of some low-born girl, but Pitt is not convinced that the case should be so easily dropped.

Also intrigued by the mystery, and able to move in the places to which Thomas would never gain access, Charlotte probes into the lives and secrets of the residents - secrets that could lead even the most upright aristocrat to kill. But will the Pitts solve the mystery in time to save the innocent residents of Callander Square from the murderer among them?

What readers are saying about Callander Square:

'Perry blends period detail, detection, and rot-beneath-the-genteel-surface social commentary with great skill'

'This is one of those rare books that you have to read in one go'

'Loved this story from beginning to end'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/03/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472227539

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Callander Square (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 2)

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