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Callum Derringer was hired by the Pittsburgh Titans to help rebuild the organization after a devastating plane crash left its future unknown. Now that he's got the team back on track, it's time to put some effort into his own life.

When I accepted the job of general manager with the Titans, it was just the opportunity I needed to prove myself to the sports world. Unfortunately, my career isn't the only area in which I've previously made mistakes and the past is about to come back in a big way.

Juniper Ryan iscomplicated. Smart, funny and insanely gorgeous, she was my first love and my first heartbreak. But my loss was my stepbrother's gain and she's been his wife for five years now. I've done a decent job of putting her out of my mind but when I'm brought home for a family emergency and see the bruises on Juniper, I'm gutted to learn that she was pushed into the arms of a monster.

Vowing to put our past aside, I learn dark truths about my brother and his marriage to my first love. And to make matters worse, I'm beginning to realize the feelings I once had for Juniper aren't tucked quite as far away as I had hoped.

When things take a dangerous turn, I'm willing to put myself in the line of fire to keep my girl safe. I was a fool to walk away from Juniper the first time and I'm a man who knows better than to make the same mistake twice.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Big Dog Books, Llc

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 08:31.47

Pubblicato 12/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798868687136

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