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Cannabis Pharmacy: Recreational and Medical Marijuana

Katherine Coronado
pubblicato da A&S publishing LLC

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This is the best and easiest-to-read book on the subject of medicinal marijuana. He details the physiological effects of cannabis, the optimal conditions for its administration, and the range of dosing options available. Cannabis Pharmacy is broken down into sections based on different medical conditions, and each section includes an easy-to-digest rating of cannabis's efficacy for that condition, as well as usage recommendations and sidebars detailing mindfulness-based practices that can be used in conjunction with cannabis to boost the body's natural healing processes. The Index demonstrates that the large corpus of scientific research focusing on cannabis is a vastly under-utilized store of information, with sections on a wide range of problems from aging to wound treatment.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Giardinaggio e Orticoltura » Giardinaggio, altri titoli » Giardini: descrizione e storia » Fiori

Editore A&s Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 10/05/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791223039854

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Cannabis Pharmacy: Recreational and Medical Marijuana

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