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Carp Fishing Tips And Theories: Book Three

Steve Graham
pubblicato da Steve Graham

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Steve Graham has been an angler since he was eight years old, and caught his first carp more than fifty years ago. Since then he has caught more than 130 carp of over forty pounds in weight, but he is as keen today, as when he first started fishing, all those years ago.
When Steve wrote his first two carp fishing tips and theories books, they were very successful indeed, but the last one was written six years ago, so he felt that a more modern version was needed. Here is that book at last, in which he gives many tips and theories on carp fishing. This is not just a modern version of his old books however, because the content is all totally new.
This book has chapters on a multitude of different subjects, and is likely to become one of the most popular books for anyone interested in carp fishing. There is a comprehensive chapter on rigs, which is not to be missed. This gives details of all the rigs that Steve uses today, not only explaining how to tie them, but also how, where and when to use them. The chapter on alternative hook-baits is absolutely fascinating too, and is worth the price of the book for that chapter alone.
It's a marvellous little book, and anyone reading it is bound to find something within its pages, that will help them to put more carp on the bank.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Sport e attività nella natura » Pesca e caccia

Editore Steve Graham

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 15/05/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781005628826

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Carp Fishing Tips And Theories: Book Three

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