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Carp Fishing Tips and Theories: Book Two.

Steve Graham
pubblicato da Steve Graham

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Steve Graham's very popular book 'Carp Fishing Tips and Theories' was first published in December 2012, and ever since then Steve has been bombarded by requests from readers who wanted to know when he would write a sequel. Well here it is at last 'Carp Fishing Tips and Theories - Book Two'.
Steve has been an angler for more than fifty years, and for the last twenty-five years he has fished almost exclusively for carp. During this time he has caught many huge fish, both in England and in France, including countless numbers over the magic forty pounds mark.
Just like his first book, this one is crammed full of tips and theories that Steve has accumulated during his many years of fishing. There are more than twenty chapters, each on a different subject, and the reader is sure to find tips here that will help them to put more fish onto the bank.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Sport e attività nella natura » Pesca e caccia

Editore Steve Graham

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 22/02/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781311158994

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Carp Fishing Tips and Theories: Book Two.

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