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Carrie's Story

Molly Weatherfield
pubblicato da Start Publishing LLC

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-20 %

Carrie's Story is regarded as one of the finest erotic novels ever written- smart, devastatingly sexy and, at times, shocking, Molly Weatherfield has penned a book that is standing the test of time alongside The Story of O and Justine. in this new era of "BDSM romance," a la 50 Shades of Grey the whips and cuffs are out of the closet and "chateau porn" has given way to mommy porn. Carrie's Story remains at the head of the class, literally.

Imagine the Story of O starring a Berkeley PhD in comparative literature, who moonlights as a bike messenger, with a penchant for irony, self-analysis and as well as anal pleasures. Set in both San Francisco and the more chateau-friendly, Napa Valley, Weatherfield's deliciously decadent novel takes you on a sexually explicit journey into a netherworld of slave auctions, training regimes, enticing "ponies," (people) preening for dressage competitions. Desire runs rampant in this story of uncompromising mastery and irrevocable submission.

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Letteratura erotica » Chick lit e Rosa contemporanei , Romanzi e Letterature » Erotica » Romanzi contemporanei » Rosa

Editore Start Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/01/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781573449236

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