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Cat and Mouse: A Game of Wits - Kelly Johnson
Cat and Mouse: A Game of Wits - Kelly Johnson

Audiolibro Cat and Mouse: A Game of Wits

Kelly Johnson
pubblicato da Kelly Johnson

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In a lively village near a sprawling meadow, dwelt Max, a resourceful mouse, and Oliver, a cunning cat known for his mischief. Max, celebrated for his quick wit and daring exploits, outmaneuvered Oliver's clever traps daily, navigating the village with ease.

Oliver, sleek and sly, lounged in the sun devising new schemes to catch Max, who always managed to slip away. One sunny morning, as Max dashed past, he encountered Oliver under an oak tree. "Good morning, Oliver!" Max greeted cheerfully.

Perking up at Max's voice, Oliver teased about his latest invention, the Cheese-o-Matic 3000, a temptingly baited trap. Max, intrigued yet wary, accepted Oliver's challenge to resist it for a day. Throughout, Max evaded traps with agility and cunning, while Oliver observed, adjusting strategies to no avail.

At sunset, facing the Cheese-o-Matic 3000 once more, Max resisted temptation, winning Oliver's respect and a truce. Oliver conceded, declaring peace for the village mice. Their rivalry evolved into mutual admiration, forging an enduring bond celebrated in village lore.

The tale of Max and Oliver, a testament to friendship and wit, resonated across generations, fostering camaraderie and understanding among the village's diverse inhabitants.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Fantasy

Editore Kelly Johnson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:07.30

Pubblicato 20/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882275326

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Cat and Mouse: A Game of Wits

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