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Catastrophe - A Short Story Collection - Jack London - Herbert C Ridout - C J Cutcliffe Hyne - Robert Duncan Milne - Owen Oliver - Fred M White - Simon Newcomb - Robert Barr
Catastrophe - A Short Story Collection - Jack London - Herbert C Ridout - C J Cutcliffe Hyne - Robert Duncan Milne - Owen Oliver - Fred M White - Simon Newcomb - Robert Barr

Audiolibro Catastrophe - A Short Story Collection

Jack London - Herbert C Ridout - C J Cutcliffe Hyne - Robert Duncan Milne - Owen Oliver - Fred M White - Simon Newcomb - Robert Barr
pubblicato da The Copyright Group

Prezzo online:

'The End of the World is Nigh' has been seen, heard and quoted ad infinitum all of our lives. In the comfort zone of our own arrogance and the resources that we humans have at our disposal it seems we are both inviolable and invincible. All is safe. We are in control.

But Nature has a way of sending earthquakes, eruptions, fires and flood, and much else besides, at the most inopportune times and, in these more modern days, with increasing frequency and extremes.

In this volume our classic authors conjure up all sorts of damnations and destructions in literary assaults testing our will to survive and our ingenuity to overcome situations where the outlook is bleak at best and the total extinction of us at worse.

1 - Catastrophe - A Short Story Collection - An Introduction

2 - The Unparallelled Invasion by Jack London

3 - The Freezing of London by Herbert C Ridout

4 - London's Danger by C J Cutcliffe Hyne

5 - Into the Sun by Robert Duncan Milne

6 - The Cloud-Men by Owen Oliver

7 - The Dust of Death by Fred M White

8 - The End of the World by Simon Newcomb

9 - Within An Ace of the End of the World by Robert Barr

10 - The World's Last Cataclysm by Robert Duncan Milne

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Editore The Copyright Group

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 05:55.44

Pubblicato 06/06/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781835477014

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Catastrophe - A Short Story Collection

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