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Cemetery Dance Select: Jeff Strand

Jeff Strand
pubblicato da Cemetery Dance Publications

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The Cemetery Dance Select series invites some of our favorite authors to spotlight a sampling of their own short fiction: award-winners, stories they consider their best or that had the most impact on their careeror neglected favorites they feel deserve a second look.

Long-time fans will enjoy revisiting some classic tales. New readers will find this series a handy introduction to each author's best work.

Each CD Select mini-collection includes an exclusive Afterword where the author explains the reasoning behind each selection, and provides insights into the writing of each story.

The stories Jeff Strand has chosen for this collection are:

Gave Up The Ghost
Mr. Sensitive
Mr. Twitcher's Miracle Baby-Chopping Machine

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Horror , Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Horror e fantasmi

Editore Cemetery Dance Publications

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 29/06/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781587675263

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Cemetery Dance Select: Jeff Strand

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