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In Cemetery Girl, David Bell's gripping psychological thriller, a father tries to uncover the secrets of his daughter's inexplicable disappearance.
Tom and Abby Stuart had everything: a perfect marriage, successful careers, and a beautiful twelve-year-old daughter, Caitlin. Then one day Caitlin vanished. The tragedy changed their lives and shattered their marriage.
Four years later, Caitlin is found alive - dirty and dishevelled yet preternaturally calm. The police arrest a suspect, but Caitlin refuses to testify, leaving the Stuarts with a choice: let the man who may be responsible for destroying their lives walk away, or take matters into their own hands.
When Tom decides to try to uncover the truth for himself, nothing can prepare him for what he discovers . . .
David Bell's Cemetery Girl will have readers biting their nails, and will accompany his new novel The Hiding Place. A real treat for all fans of Kate Atkinson, Dennis Lehane and Heather Gudenkauf.
Praise for David Bell:
'David Bell writes spellbinding and gripping thrillers that get under your skin and refuse to let go.' Linwood Barclay
'Reads like a collaboration between Michael Connelly and the gothic fiction of Joyce Carol Oates . . . A winner on every level.' Will Lavender
'A haunting meditation on the ties that bind parent to child, husband to wife, brother to brother. An absolutely riveting, absorbing read not to be missed.' Lisa Unger

David Bell is an assistant professor of English at Western Kentucky University. He received an M.A. in creative writing from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and a Ph.D. in American Literature and creative writing from the University of Cincinnati. Cemetery Girl was David Bell's first novel.

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Generi Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir » Thriller e suspence , Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller

Editore Penguin Books Ltd

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/12/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781405910781

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Cemetery Girl

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