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Step into the eerie world of "Chained: The Dark Legacy of Thornwood Manor," a masterfully crafted novel that intertwines gothic horror, historical mystery, and supernatural suspense. Ideal for fans of spine-tingling tales and haunting atmospheres, this gripping story will captivate you from start to finish.

When historian Alec Marshall arrives in the secluded town of Oakwood Valley, he is irresistibly drawn to the enigmatic Thornwood Manor. Shrouded in mystery and rumored to be haunted, the mansion's dark past has long overshadowed the town. Determined to uncover its secrets, Alec delves into the tragic history of the Everett family, who once resided within its decaying walls.

Decades earlier, Richard Everett, a brilliant but obsessive alchemist, was consumed by his quest for immortality. His experiments with the mysterious Chain of Amara unleashed a malevolent force that brought unspeakable tragedy upon his family. Now, Alec must piece together the fragments of their story to understand the full extent of Richard's catastrophic failures.

As Alec explores hidden chambers and uncovers long-forgotten journals, he realizes that the malevolent entity still haunts Thornwood Manor. With the help of Emma, a passionate young historian, Alec races against time to perform a final, perilous ritual to banish the entity and free the spirits trapped within the mansion's walls.

"Chained" takes readers on a journey through the dark corridors of Thornwood Manor. Alec and Emma's quest is fraught with danger, mystery, and unexpected twists. They must confront their deepest fears and unravel secrets buried for generations.

Why You Should Read "Chained"

Engaging Storyline: A gripping tale that combines horror, mystery, and historical fiction, keeping you on the edge of your seat.

Atmospheric Setting: Vivid descriptions bring Thornwood Manor to life, immersing you in its haunting beauty and sinister secrets.

Complex Characters: Deeply human characters whose struggles and triumphs resonate with readers, making their journey compelling.

Intriguing Mystery: A carefully crafted plot that unravels the mysteries of the past, revealing shocking truths and unexpected twists.

Unlock the secrets of Thornwood Manor and experience a story of ambition, love, and supernatural terror. Download "Chained: The Dark Legacy of Thornwood Manor" today and embark on a journey that will haunt you long after you've turned the last page. Are you ready to face the darkness?

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Horror » Horror » Rosa » Contemporanei » Storici » Storici , Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Horror e fantasmi

Editore All Ebooks Publishing

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 31/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798227536549

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