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Chinese Dress

Valery Garrett
pubblicato da Tuttle Publishing

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Featuring over 450 archival photographs and line drawings, Chinese Dress traces the evolution of Chinese clothing from court and formal costumes to the fashions of modern China.

A comprehensive and sumptuously illustrated book, Chinese Dress is the essential reference for costume historians, fashion designers and collectors, as well as lovers of beautiful clothes everywhere. Chapters include:

  • Dress of the Qing Manchu Rulers 1644-1911
  • Dress of the Manchu Consorts 1644-1911
  • Attire of Mandarins and Merchants
  • Attire of Chinese Women
  • Republican Dress 1912-1949
  • Clothing of the Lower Classes
  • Clothing for Children
  • Dress in New China 1950-2006

From Imperial robes to foot binding to the cheongsam, Chinese Dress spotlights traditional Chinese dress against a background of historical, cultural and social change, opening a fascinating window for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of China, Chinese culture and Chinese fashion history.

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Editore Tuttle Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/04/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781462906949

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Chinese Dress

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