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The second part of The Legend of Kyla Kidd finds our heroine searching the oceans, jungles, and towns of Caribdus for the trail of her long-lost fatherand his mysterious treasure! In this part of the tale, Kyla makes new friends in the fantastic world of Caribdusincluding a Chinese wind mage, a massive walrus-man, and a vengeful, sleek-skinned Doreen. She'll need them, because the quest for her father's mysterious treasure leads her straight between the Royal Navy and the vengeful crew of the Hades Coral! Written by Tony Lee and beautifully illustrated by Richard Clark. From the 50 Fathoms roleplaying game, available at

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Narrativa d'ambientazione storica

Editore Bookbaby

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/06/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781617927331

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