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City of Vicious Night

Claire Winn
pubblicato da North Star Editions

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For the most hated crew on Requiem, the only way out is up. It's been four months since runaway heiress Asa crash-landed on the matriarchal outlaw colony Requiem, bringing a nasty AI and a host of deadly secrets with her. Now, she runs with her almost-girlfriend Riven's smuggler crew, stealing kisses between gunfights and heists. But when a mysterious hacker sabotages their latest job, other gangs turn against them, blaming them for the destruction the rogue AI caused. Nowhere in the city is safe. The only way to protect their crew is a series of trials for control of an underworld factionand vying for a matriarch's throne is a dream Riven can't let go. But as the trials intensify, the saboteur hounds Asa and Riven's every step, determined to kill Asa and right her father's wrongs. When the saboteur reveals a horrific conspiracy threatening all of Requiemone involving the crew member they thought they'd lostthe girls must decide whether to risk their own skins for a city that loathes them.

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Generi Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza per bambini e ragazzi , Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Fantascienza

Editore North Star Editions

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 23/05/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781635830859

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City of Vicious Night

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