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Clarinet Quartet Abstract Theme from "Flower Duet" by Delibes (score & parts)

Léo Delibes - a cura di Francesco Leone
pubblicato da Glissato Edizioni Musicali

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***Are you a clarinetist looking for repertoire for your ensemble?***Experience the enchanting beauty of the "Flower Duet" excerpt from Léo Delibes' opera "Lakmé" with this exquisite arrangement for Clarinet Quartet by Francesco Leone. Designed for intermediate-level musicians, this arrangement brings the serene and harmonious melodies of Delibes' classic piece to your clarinet ensemble.

  • Full Score

  • Set of Parts:

    • Bb Clarinet 1
    • Bb Clarinet 2
    • Bb Clarinet 3
    • Bass Clarinet


  • Authentic Operatic Feel: Francesco Leone's arrangement captures the lyrical and ethereal qualities of Delibes' original composition, ensuring an engaging and beautiful performance.
  • Intermediate Level: This arrangement is tailored for intermediate-level clarinetists, offering a balanced challenge that is both rewarding and accessible.
  • Comprehensive Package: Includes a full score and individual parts for each member of the quartet, ensuring a smooth rehearsal and performance process.

Why Choose This Arrangement? This arrangement is perfect for clarinet quartets looking to explore the rich traditions of operatic music and add a piece of profound beauty to their repertoire. Whether for concerts, recitals, or community events, the "Flower Duet" arranged by Francesco Leone offers a captivating and enjoyable musical experience.
Bring the enchanting and harmonious sounds of Léo Delibes' "Flower Duet" to your clarinet quartet and delight audiences with this timeless opera classic. Get your copy today and let the music of Delibes inspire your next performance!

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Generi Musica » Strumenti musicali e Insiemi strumentali

Editore Glissato Edizioni Musicali

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 10/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791223054406

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