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A clash of wills in lion country can have deadly consequences

Big city chef Ruby Slater is the heir to a magnificent mansion in the heart of Lion Country. When her bistro in Cleveland burns to the ground, she leaves everything behind and heads to South Africa.

In the small town of Marulaspruit, on the edge of the vast Kruger Game Reserve, she intends to start afresh and restore her late uncle's mansion to its former glory. But not everyone in town is happy with Ruby's arrival.

Local builder and former bad boy Sam Duvenage also claims a legal right to the Jacaranda Mansion, and he's not about to give it up.

Furthermore, a dangerous poaching syndicate is determined to get their hands on the mansion for its own nefarious purposes.

As danger circles closer and passion ignites between them, it becomes clear that Ruby and Sam had better put their clash of wills aside or find themselves at the mercy of deadly criminals.

Author Audrey Flynn will keep you on the edge of your seat as the chilling story unveils who the criminals are and what they are willing to do to get their hands on the property. Ms. Flynn writes about the heart of South Africa, the Lion Country, and poaching in a way that weaves the deadly crime with a sweeping romance set against the South African backdrop. Known for her romantic suspense, Ms. Flynn's writing reminds readers of Catherine Cowles' Sutter Lake Series and Cynthia Eden's Wilde Ways series. Don't miss your chance to fall in love with Marulaspruit.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Rosa » Contemporanei

Editore Inkspell Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/11/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781958136737

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Clash of Wills

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