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Cloaked in Beauty (Texas Ever After)

Karen Witemeyer
pubblicato da Baker Publishing Group

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-20 %

Trust no one in the shadows of the piney woods . . .

Letty Hood has spent the last fifteen years of her life hidden away with her grandmother in the backwoods of east Texas to escape the deadly schemes of an uncle who wants her dead. Now, with her twenty-first birthday on the horizon, she is forced to accept the escort of a stranger and return to Houston in secret so she can claim a birthright that will make her one of the wealthiest women in Texas. If she lives long enough to inherit.

Pinkerton agent Philip Carmichael has one duty: get the Radcliffe heiress home alive. Expecting a spoiled girl, Philip is surprised to encounter a woman of rare strength with a kind soul and keen wit. As they journey together, Letty's resilience wins his admiration, breaking through his hardened cynicism. Yet the threat to her survival grows more menacing with every mile, and Philip fears that keeping Letty out of harm's way may be just as impossible as keeping her out of his heart.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Storici

Editore Baker Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 17/12/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781493448173

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Cloaked in Beauty (Texas Ever After)

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