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Clouds of Witness: The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, Book 2 - Dorothy L. Sayers
Clouds of Witness: The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, Book 2 - Dorothy L. Sayers

Audiolibro Clouds of Witness: The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, Book 2

Dorothy L. Sayers
pubblicato da Brickell Avenue Publishing

Prezzo online:

Step into the intriguing world of "Clouds of Witness: The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, Book 2" by Dorothy L. Sayers, where aristocratic detective Lord Peter Wimsey faces another gripping case. When his brother, the Duke of Denver, is accused of murder, Lord Peter must unravel a complex web of family secrets, political intrigue, and hidden motives to uncover the truth.

Narrated with elegance and precision, this audiobook brings Sayers' classic storytelling to life, immersing listeners in a world of aristocratic drama and detective brilliance. Follow Lord Peter Wimsey as he navigates through a labyrinth of clues, red herrings, and shocking revelations, all while showcasing his sharp wit and keen intellect.

Perfect for fans of classic mysteries and historical fiction, "Clouds of Witness" offers an engaging listening experience suitable for commutes, quiet evenings, or any time you crave a sophisticated and suspenseful tale. Whether you're new to Lord Peter Wimsey or a longtime enthusiast of detective literature, this audiobook promises to captivate and entertain.

Immerse yourself in the elegance and intrigue of "Clouds of Witness: The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, Book 2" and Start Listening today!

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli storici

Editore Brickell Avenue Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:44.39

Pubblicato 19/08/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882473074

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Clouds of Witness: The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries, Book 2

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