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Coastal Harvest - Author Taku Kondo
Coastal Harvest - Author Taku Kondo

Coastal Harvest

Author Taku Kondo
pubblicato da Dorling Kindersley Ltd

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Embark on an epic adventure up and down the Pacific Coast to sustainably harvest your own food, master preparation techniques, and make creative dishes.

Whether you want to find your own food or just cook creative recipes, this book will teach you how to catch fish, identify and harvest mushrooms, and cook delicious dishes using wild ingredients.

Join YouTube adventurer Taku Kondo as he takes you on an exploration of waterways and coastal forests to connect with nature and find ingredients sourced from the great outdoors.

Enjoy some of the most popular dishes from Taku's YouTube channel, Outdoor Chef Life, as well as recipes that he has developed over years of experience. Each recipe has been thoughtfully curated to bring out the best flavors of your harvest. If you're not catching your own food, follow his expert recommendations on sourcing the freshest and most sustainable seafood.

Taku provides guidance on the entire catch-to-plate process, giving you the knowledge to catch and prepare your own food. Includes:

  • Basic tools and knowledge for the outdoor chef
  • Fishing basics what species to fish for, plus how and when to fish for them
  • Coastal foraging the best intertidal edible species to look for
  • Mushroom foraging identifying fungi and how to find them
  • 75 incredible recipes with Asian American inspired flavors and more

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Generi Gastronomia » Ricette » Pesce e frutti di mare » Cucina dal mondo

Editore Dorling Kindersley Ltd

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/03/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780241735534

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Coastal Harvest

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