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Cold Vengeance

Douglas Preston - Lincoln Child
pubblicato da Orion

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The dramatic second novel in a three-book story arc starring enigmatic FBI Agent Pendergast on his search for his long-lost wife, Helen.

Devastated by the discovery that his wife, Helen, was murdered, Special Agent Pendergast must have retribution. But revenge is not simple. As he stalks his wife's betrayers - a chase that takes him from the wild moors of Scotland to the bustling streets of New York City and the darkest bayous of Louisiana - he is also forced to dig further into Helen's past. And he is stunned to learn that Helen may have been a collaborator in her own murder.

Peeling back the layers of deception, Pendergast realizes that the conspiracy is deeper, goes back generations, and is more monstrous than he could have ever imagined - and everything he's believed, everything he's trusted, everything he's understood . . . may be a horrific lie.

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Generi Gialli Noir e Avventura » Narrativa di Avventura » Thriller e suspence » Spionaggio , Romanzi e Letterature » Avventura » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio , Politica e Società » Sociologia e Antropologia » Sociologia e Antropologia, altri titoli

Editore Orion

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/09/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781409133209

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Cold Vengeance

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